플레이어 함선 - 평범한 배가 아닙니다!
X:Rebirth의 또 다른 큰 변화중 하나는 옛 X 게임들과는 달리, 하나의 플레이어 함선만을 몰 수 있습니다.
그렇지만, 화내거나 불평하지 마세요. 이것은 그저 다른 방법으로 바뀐것이니, 조금만 참고 쭉 읽어주세요
'X:Beyond the Frontier'에서 플레이어가 Xperimental shuttle에 관련된 것처럼 X:Rebirth도 특별한 함선에 관련될것입니다.
The Pride of Albion이나 최근에 많이 알려진 The Albion Skunk에 말이죠.
객실과 NPC
이것은 하나의 우주선입니다. 그러나, 이전 게임에서 당신이 알고있던것과는 많이 다를것입니다.
우선, 당신이 보고, 사용 가능한 방이 몇개 있고, 당신을 위해 일하는 NPC들과 대면할 수 있을것입니다.
NPC들중 일부는 고용 및 교환이 가능하고, 운명(줄거리)에 따라 만나게 될것입니다.
그중 가장 좋은 예는 당신의 부조종사입니다.
그녀(?)는 당신 함선의 인터페이스이며(?)게임의 보다 복잡한 것들을 제어하는데 도움을 줄것입니다.
함선의 이야기
그것은 오랜 역사를 가지고 있고, 끝나기에는 멀었습니다.
당신은 이 함선이 무엇이며, 어떻게 개발할지 결정할 수 있습니다.
함선의 확장
이것은 빠르고 기동력이 있는 함선이며 함선을 확장할 수 있습니다.
무기 시스템, 엔진, 쉴드. 그리고 가장 중요한 드론.
드론 - 당신이 비행하거나 명령을 내릴 수있어요!
드론은 게임의 아주 큰 영역을 차지하고 있습니다.
당신은 다양한 방법으로 사용할 수 있습니다.
토페도 드론: 드론은 특별한 작업을 위해 광범위하게 사용됩니다.
드론의 원격 조종 - VR HUD
First of all there is the possibility to remotely control a drone. This is basically exactly like switching personally into another ship. You can fly drones in a 1st person perspective and it looks as if you are inside the drone. You do this, however, using a Virtual Reality environment in your ship. While your co-pilot takes over the control of your ship, goggles come down from the ceiling and you dive into the remote control of the drone.
The cool thing about this, is that with drones we have even more design freedom than with ships. They can be very small, for example, and are generally very specialized for a particular job. The whole gameplay experience can be a lot more varied than with normal ships, which always have to contain a lot more features.
AI: Improved flight AI allows ships inside complex station geometry.
This is also one of several gameplay changes that allow us to get the player deeper into station and ship environments and help you play with the elements at the surface of ships and stations. A drone can sometimes reach into vents and corridors that are so small that even your ship cant fit inside.
Last but not least, another nice side effect is that you won't die if you are shot down inside a drone. All that happens is that you lose a vehicle - one of many that can be launched from your ship.
드론의 패시브 기능
Drones can also help you in a fully automatic mode. They have an AI and can work autonomously if you launch them. This can give you assistance for especially hard jobs.
Drones can act autonomously or can be controlled via the virtual reality remote control system of your ship.
If you want to have some control over what a drone should be doing for you but dont want to switch to remote control with your VR goggles, you can give them commands using a quickly-accessible compass menu. Tell a fighter drone to take out that one turret on the left while you personally take care of the shield generator on the right...
주력함(대형함선) 제어
Where the drones are your preferred vehicles for specialized tasks inside and near the surface of a station, capital ships are your vehicle of choice for all the many "big" tasks. From transportation of goods, collecting of resources like ore, gas or plasma up to large carriers and destroyers. They all exist in X Rebirth and you can of course own and operate many of them!
You can in fact even land on these beasts and get out of your playership to meet NPCs while watching the large ship move around in space FROM the deck of the ship!
You won't be sitting in the cockpit and steer such a capital ship from the first person perspective anymore simply because that is boring. Steering huge and slowly-turning ships manually just doesnt make sense. It would force us to make them turn and move unrealistically quick and even then they would be impossible to maneuver near our huge and complex shaped stations.
Instead the steering is done by NPCs who work for you but closely follow your orders. You can control capital ships who work for you in many new ways.
스테이션과 대형 함선 - 새로운 전투 전술
Capital ships as well as space stations are now a lot more detailed. These details, however, are not limited to improved and animated visuals. They are there for gameplay reasons. A single capital ship can have hundreds of objects on its surface. Things like turrets and shield generators which can of course be scanned, manipulated or simply destroyed individually, but also bigger objects like jumpdrive generators, engines and much more.
Ships and stations can be attacked and analyzed in great detail. Some systems are partially destroyed.
Surface elements: Various types of turrets can be built in large quantities on stations and ships.
Important key modules can be protected by many turrets and shield generators.
Taking out or disabling these elements will allow lots of new fight tactics and interesting strategic decisions:
- What system should be disabled first to get the best possible outcome from an attack?
- What systems should be sabotaged instead of destroyed?
- Whats the benefit of an espionage mission to scan the surface of a ship or station?
- Which defense systems should you personally take out to help your capital ship to more effectively use its own weapons?
표면 상호작용(?)
But it's not just useful for fighting. On the contrary: The biggest changes are on the building, trading and designing of your own stations and ships.
Stations as well as ships are no longer things that you build or use as one large object. They are systems that are developed and improved. Read more about this in the building section.
주력함 물리 적용
If you have read above about you flying over the surface of a capital ship to take out turrets or other surface elements, as we call them, you may have wondered: 'Hey but what if the ship is moving or turning while I try this?'
Here is another of these big gameplay changes we had to do: When flying closer to large ships, your ship (or the drone you are remote controlling), will gradually be drawn into the influence of that ship. The closer you are to its surface, the more the ship will "drag you with it".
This allows you to actually land on or in ships while they are moving. Even in the middle of a fight between two capital ships you can fly over the surface of one and watch the scenario of the battle like a passenger with the beautiful space background turning around you, while the capital ships move and turn.
사람들과의 대화 - 당신이 고용한 NPC들
I have already mentioned the NPCs who help you operate your ships (all of them). This is another of these BIG things for us.
We want to make the game easier to understand by controlling many of the complex things you can do in an X game through conversations.
Instead of dry and hard-to-interpret text menus, you will be talking to people. You will give them commands and they willl tell you about their progress - all in the form of conversations.
Some examples of NPCs working for you:
- Managers onboard your factories run the economy side. They buy and sell wares, but will only do what you allow them to do.
- Captain of a ship: He or she is the person on the bridge who steers the ship according to your commands. You can tell them what you want them to do in very fine detail, or you give them more freedom or assign them to work for a station manager.
- Your Co-Pilot: She was already mentioned above and she is the most important of all NPCs in this game. You will learn more about her soon.
- Boarding crew: Just one example of crew members working for you.